Hometown: Methuen, MA
Favorite Climbing style: Long exposed moderate multipitch trad. Yes.
Route setting philosophy: I like problems that are a combination of interesting moves, good movement, and technical footwork. I also strive for fun problems that folks will want to climb over and over again! Finally, a major goal is routes that cater to all abilities and experience levels, so that everyone can get the workout they need at ClimbMax.
Fun Fact: I have a sewing machine called a Brother Wizard.
Fun Fact: I have a sewing machine called a Brother Wizard.
Ethan Smalley

Hometown: Raleigh, NC
Hometown: Rochester, NY
Favorite Climbing Style: The sending kind.
Setting Philosophy: Nobody likes to get shut down on the first move. The rest is art.
Fun Fact: Rarely turns down free food.

Hometown: Swannanoa, NC / Alexandria, VA
Favorite type of climbing: Anything with powerful and core intensive moves.
Route setting philosophy: Save jumping for the playground and learn how to use your feet.
Fun fact: In case my current career path doesn't work out, I have a promising backup as a trapeze artist.
Hometown: Philadelphia, PA
Favorite Climbing Style: Really steep sport climbing.
Favorite Climbing Style: Really steep sport climbing.
Route Setting Philosophy: I like it when climbing is fun and doesn't hurt... so I try to make problems that are fun to climb and don't hurt. I use a lot of pinches as well, because they don't hurt.
Fun Fact: My favorite food is pizza. Pizza is THE BEST.
Hometown: Raleigh, NC
Favorite Climbing Style: Classic NC slabs!
Setting Philosophy: When I set problems, I focus mostly on forcing shifts in body position and weight distribution, with an emphasis on hand crossovers. Also, I love slopers!
Fun Fact: I used to compete in Dance Dance Revolution tournaments, and was one of the top ten players in NC at my peak.
Anthony DeVito

Anthony DeVito
Hometown: Rochester, NY
Favorite Climbing Style: The sending kind.
Setting Philosophy: Nobody likes to get shut down on the first move. The rest is art.
Fun Fact: Rarely turns down free food.